Cork Swansea Ferry and a nice surprise to Cape Clear Island
Residents of Cape Clear Island who were amongst the earliest shareholders in the Cork-Swansea Ferry service, are delighted that one of the bars of the ferry is to be named after the Island.
Islanders are used to fending for themselves and the ‘get up and go’ and ‘self help’ ethos of the campaign to bring back this essential link was quite naturally reciprocated and supported by island based investors. Chairman Conor Buckly has indicated publicly on various occasion that the ‘Capers’ by population are amongst the highest investors in the service.
Plans are afoot to publish a new map/guide to the three local Islands of Cape, Heir and Sherkin together with their natural gateway and hinterland around Baltimore which will be distributed on the ferry and in other suitable locations in Cork City and Airport.
We are all part of a bigger picture and should appreciate the sense of leadership and direction provided by the Cork-Swansea Initiative and be ready for a sustained effort in the years to come to take the best advantage from this great opportunity.
Go raibh maith agat, Cork Swansea Ferry.
Rolling Clinics in a Warm Indoor Pool
Rolling Clinic: Dates ; Saturday Feb 21st. & March 7th.. Time: 9pm -11.00pm
Price: €40 p/p Boats supplied if necessary. Learning with the experts,
Fun , ...
10 years ago